Staying in Abano Terme gives you the possibility to visit the beautiful city of Padua, just 15 kilometers from us.
- monuments, churches and museums of worldwide importance
- musical and theatrical events
- a high level of enogastronomic tradition
- leisure and fun opportunities for every age
To be visited: Cappella degli Scrovegni, famous for the frescoes of Giotto; or Basilica of Sant’Antonio which counts hundreds of visitors every year; Prato della Valle one of the bigger squares all above Europe; the astronomical observatory of Specola, where you can still observ the stars and planets; Museo degli Eremitani with pre-Roman finds and two Egyptian rooms; Caffè Pedrocchi where students and writers met in the nineteenth century.
More interesting Squares: dei Signori, delle Erbe, della Frutta, with the markets of fruit, vegetables, clothing and craftsmanship where you can also find bars, stores, restaurants and pizzerias.
Palazzo della Ragione sit of exhibitions and conferences, a beautiful wood-horse work of Annibale Capodilista and a reproduction of the famous pendulum of Focault.
On Christmas time the city becomes decked out with lights, stalls and kiosks; every season attracts markets and exhibitions, like chocolate festival, regional specialties from several parts of Italy.
On August 15th you can admire the great Firework Show in Prato della Valle, that evokes the new year’s eve.
Next to our hotel you can get the bus that get you to Padua in less than half an hour; if you prefer the train you can reach the railstation in Montegrotto Terme in a few minutes.
We suggest you to visit Padua for the listed reasons, for much more to discover and because… it is our city: Abano Terme is infact in its district.